Thursday, April 3, 2008

3x30s Intervals Hurt

O.M.G. My legs feel like toast right now and it's, oh, 6hr or so since I completed the intervals. 2 sets of 30s On, 30s Off, 3min rest, repeat. Go as hard as you can for the 30s. First set was pretty good, though, as usual, I went out too hard. I guess I'm going to eventually learn how to pace myself when I do this stuff.

I had planned on doing them after work, but watching the weather, it looked as if it might be raining then, so I took an early extended lunch at 10:30am. Went home, changed, 25min warmup then started the intervals. Holy crap! Talk about hard. Oh! These were so hard. 30s was just barely enough recovery before I started the next one. Second set, was not as good as the first. They were much harder to do. I had to take about a minute rest between the 5th & 6th interval, as I just wasn't recovered enough to start the 6th one after 30s.

I finished the last interval and turned off to this side road and tried to get unclipped as fast as I could. Just about wasn't quick enough though...almost fell over. I felt like I was about this " " close to puking too. I think these were just about as hard as my 20min FTP test I did a few weeks ago...

A few numbers:

avg/max/rpm hr avg/max

#1: 444/677/88 156/177
#2: 351/477/89 180/183
#3: 317/471/80 182/185
#4: 375/634/89 149/164
#5: 278/480/91 172/175
#6: 357/523/79 171/176

So, as I get ready to publish this post, my legs are still toast. I just can't believe how incredibly hard those were or that I'm still affected by it. It's like I've ridden a metric or more at a very strenuous effort....Damn, I hope these get a bit better and that I don't feel so worn out afterwards...

No riding tomorrow or Saturday - forecast is rain. Hopefully, I'll ride the Raven Rock Ramble metric route on Sunday for my long ride of the week. Then more of the same next week, including my first TT at Lowe's Motor Speedway.


nickel said...

Are these for VO2 max?

wolfpack said...

hey nickel,

no, not VO2max intervals. these are Lactic Tolerance intervals. they are used after a long period of aerobic conditioning and sub-threshold and threshold intervals to provide a peak to one's fitness before a big event (per the mentor/coach guy).

i'm doing these for the next 3 weeks in preparation for the burnsville metric on 4/26, which is my first A ride of the year.