Thursday, January 31, 2008
It's Gonna Take Longer Than Anticipated
Then, last night while searching on ebay, I found some Arabesque shifters, and not knowing that thre were different types (clamp-on and braze-on), I bought them. So, I will be getting a set of clamp-on shifters that won't work on this bike. Oh well, I'll just list them on craigslist/BF and/or back on ebay. I'm still in the search for shifters....
I'm going to take the frame by my LBS tomorrow and have them clean out the seat tube - the powdercoater painted some inside and I can't get the seatpost installed. I'll also have them check out the bottom bracket area as well to make sure my BB will install. Maybe I can get the BB, crankset, headset, and derailleurs installed this weekend. I hope so. And get the bars wrapped.
Ordered some stuff from ProBikeKit this week too. Should be getting some Vittoria Rubino Pro tires in white and a set of Look KeO Classic pedals in black. They didn't have any Ambrosio White bartape:(. I'm gonna order some whenever it's in stock again....
Monday, January 28, 2008
Half Of The New Parts Are Here
I might have something ready to go by this weekend! That would be awesome! A new bike for my birthday:).
I Gots A New Toy!
My husband asks me this past Saturday what I would like for my birthday, which is coming up this weekend. I haven't a clue. So, he tells me that he's thinking of getting me this camera because of the things he knows I really enjoy, cycling and photography are my favorites. Awesome!! We purchase the camera and kit, which includes a very large carrying case, UV filter, and an extra battery/charger, as well as a 2G compact flash card. Sweet deal - got about $120 off of normal retail price.
Since it did cost a bit, he tells me that it is a combination of birthday, Valentine's, Anniversary, Mother's Day gift! That's cool with me.
Without further ado - I am the proud new owner of a Canon Rebel XTi!! So much to learn now - I'll have to learn how to use this thing in manual mode cause it's not something to be using the Auto mode in...hell, I've got a P&S for that:).

Friday, January 25, 2008
My New "Old" Bike

Sunday, January 20, 2008
Snow?? What Snow?? & Chilly Riding!

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Eating Healthy, Losing Weight?
I don't eat out at fast food places unless it's some place like Wendy's, where I'll have a Spicy Chicken sammich, baked tater or salad with it. No Hardee's, McDonald's, Burger King, etc. Lunches are usually brought from home or ocassionally I'll have something from the local Hibachi Japanese place (hibachi chicken/scallops with veggies and about .5 to .75c of rice with it). Other than that, I'm a brown bagger:)
This morning, I'll probably just continue to have some saltine crackers since I was sick last night. Even if I weren't sick, I wouldn't be eating that stuff. I think I either had a 24hr virus last night or got sick from the stuff I ate last night. I had fixed this Taco bake stuff (Kraft Mac 'n Cheese, hamburger w/taco seasoning, layered with together with cheese and topped with salsa & more cheese) Wednesday evening, didn't fix any supper (because I wasn't riding today), so I had leftovers. That mess is going in the trash.
So, back to the eating better give you an idea of how I eat I'll list what I've eaten this week and this is similar to my usual eating habits:
Breakfast (6am):
Low-Cal Thomas whole grain English muffin, 2 slices turkey bacon, egg or
1c cooked oatmeal with .5tbsp Smart Balance butter, honey, cinnamon, raisins, chopped walnuts and .25c 1% milk
16oz water
Snack (9am):
Usually a banana or apple
24oz water
Lunch (12pm or 1pm on lunch-time ride days):
Nature's Own whole wheat bread with Boar's Head turkey, baby Swiss, 1 tbsp mayo, mustard
Piece of fruit.
Will alternate with large salad w/ tomatoes, bell pepper, broccoli, cukes, 1 tbsp cheddar cheese & chopped egg. Newman's Lite Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing
16oz diet sundrop
Snack (3-4pm):
Yoplait yogurt (digestive health kind) or
8 Wheat Thins with a triangle of low-cal/fat Laughing Cow cheese or
16oz water
Supper (6pm):
Some sort of grilled/baked chicken, pork loin chop, or fish
2-3 veggies
decaf ice tea or water
Snack (8-9pm):
Yoplait yogurt or
Sometimes, I don't have this last snack (or any of the snacks!) tho. Just not hungry sometimes. I don't know, I'm just frustrated with trying to eat well and not getting much support at home. "let's have Mexican tonight", "let's order Papa John's", etc. How do I get around this?
I guess I am eating pretty well, whatcha think?? But, I'm not losing the weight as fast as I want to. Maybe going to the gym and doing weights will help this along. I'm trying to ride the bike 3x during the week and the weekends, with longer (3+ hr) rides one of the weekend days. I've got 20# (at least, then re-evaluate) still to lose and would like to have this done by my planned WNC ride in May. I guess it's possible to do so in 4.5 months.
(not done, but will go ahead and post this...will add more later)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
So, I get no snow today, only rain, and I therefore, cannot ride. Guess that's OK. I'll ride on Friday. Yesterday, when I rode, I tried to scout out roads which would be good for doing my intervals on. I think I've found one or two, about a 15-18min ride from work. Means that I will have to take a longer lunch on interval days. The one I've found that I think will work well, is ride out Rock Quarry to Battle Bridge to Brown's Field (think that's the name) and start the interval on this road. I'll take this road to Old Baucom and ride till I get 8-10min worth of interval done. Good thing about this section of roadway is the pavement is way smooth, there's 2' of pavement beyond the white line, and it's somewhat up grade, and very low traffic. I can ride up for the interval and soft pedal back down for the rest period.
Snow?? There is now the possibility of snow on Saturday, supposedly starting as rain and turning to snow later in the morning. I was supposed to go visit with my Dad then, but I think I'm going to call him and reschedule. I don't want to have to drive there & back in that weather nor do I want to get stranded up there. I really don't want to go at all, for reasons I won't post here, but it's something that I am going to have to do.
Since I'm not riding Saturday (most likely) I might just see how the legs feel for doing an interval or two tomorrow on the new route. They may say "No!" but then again, it could be a "maybe". Just have to see.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
This Week Is Frustrating
I have to go visit with my Dad this weekend...he's not doing too well, mentally. For the past year or so, he has been getting forgetful and sometimes confused on things. And, he has awful mood swings...really angry & upset with everything/everyone to back to his "normal" self. Then, my step-mom calls me at work yesterday and tells me that it is getting worse, more confused/angry, gets lost driving but somehow ends up back home. So, I'm off this Saturday to visit and see if I can get any information on who his doctors are, what medications he's on, & so-forth. I really don't know what I'm going to do....I've got a good friend at work that I was talking to this morning...he's going to keep an eye/ear open for any kind of Hydraulics job in the NW part of the state (division 11 - Ashe, Alleghany, Surry, Watauga, Wilkes, Yadkin, Caldwell, and Avery Counties) so that should I have to move out that way for a while, I could. Sheesh. I never thought I would be thinking like this. :(
I guess on a brighter note - I get to do intervals today. Windchill around 37F at lunch when I'll be riding...yay! Gonna do either 8min X 3 or 10min X 2 intervals today or maybe some other variation. Just depends on how much roadway I have to work with, i.e. having to make turns or getting on a section of roadway that goes downhill too much. It's sorta hard to find good areas with long stretches of roadway to get in good intervals. Some long hill climbs would work great!
Well, those intervals didn't go as well as I thought they should. The first one was higher than it should have been, the 2nd was about right, and the last ones were in the upper end of Zone 3 instead of Z4. Oh well, guess the good thing about the ride, I was able to keep the cadence average above 95! Yay me!!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
I Am Disciplined
I was to meet Jay around 10:30am at our local ride start and we would probably then ride about 40 miles or so. I had intervals to do prior to riding with J and I wanted to be able to ride with him and keep the ride in, preferably my Zone2, maybe Zone3. I got started a bit late and was not going to be able to get back to the start to meet him, so I called and we decided to meet along the route. That was fine, but I was much closer to this meeting place than he was, so I had to wait about 30-45 minutes for him to get there.
I started a new interval once he got there and we began our ride. I did this so that I could see the data for our ride in TrainingPeaks WKO and verify that I had accomplished a disciplined ride. We rode to Micro, out towards Fremont, and then back towards PineLevel. I really tried to not work really hard when pulling because if I did, it would just push my numbers higher and I wanted them to be lower for this part of the ride. For the 2:15hr that he and I rode, I had an NP of 141w and an AP of 118w. I guess it depends on which number you want to look at...the NP is right at the very bottom of my Zone3, so I maybe pushed a little more than I should have. But, the AP is really good, right in the lower to center of my Zone2. Overall, for the entire ride, my NP was 144w and AP was 119w.
The wind made the ride difficult as it seemed like it was always in our faces. Jay is really strong and did a lot of pulling, maybe more than me, but it had to be that way in order for me to accomplish this goal I had. Sorry Jay. :) At some point, the front derailleur on his bike slipped or messed up because he could not get it to go on the big ring. (just built bike). So, he had to ride the last 10-15 miles in only the small ring. It was a great ride, except for the wind and the sun disappearing a lot. I really like riding with Jay, but I just have to be careful and make sure I don't go out and ride hard when I'm not supposed to.
So, some data for you guys and don't laugh at my numbers:)
First Interval:
TSS=14.5 (IF=1.0)
Second Interval:
TSS=10.3 (IF=0.938)
Third Interval:
TSS=13.5 (IF=1.004)
Jay Interval:
TSS=130.1 (IF=0.764)
Entire Ride:
TSS=215.5 (IF=0.781)
Distance=54.166 miles
Friday, January 11, 2008
Registered for a few events now
The Burnsville Metric is my "A" event for this spring. My goal is to train right, do what I'm supposed to do in training and this will show on the ride. Ride Smart. And then there's the Raven Rock Ramble....this will be my 3rd year for registering for this event. It has rained every year on ride day and I have yet to ride this event! This year will be different. Unless it's just absolutely pouring cats & dogs on the ride day, I'm going to ride. Wet roads will be ok. Just do it.
So, that's all I'm registered for as of now. I will be registering for Assault on Marion, maybe the 3 Mountain Madness (it may be too close to Marion tho), Blood, Sweat, & Gears is a big maybe, then Ride for the Land, and of course I want to get a few TT's done this year too.
Discipline & Patience
Discipline is:
- Training expected to produce a specific type or pattern of behavior
- Controlled behavior resulting from disciplinary training
- To train by instruction and control.
But, patience is not something that comes very easily to me and I must remind myself to look at the end goals.
Patience is:
- The quality of being patient; capacity of calm endurance
- Capable of bearing affliction calmly
- Understanding; tolerant
- Perservering; constant
Ride with discipline and patience and all my hard work will pay off in the end.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Just...I don't know....
There's no actual group ride scheduled for Saturday. I've been trying to find people to ride with, to no avail. May just end up doing the Frostbite Tour 63mi route by myself or maybe JayC will ride with me.
I did register for the Frostbite Tour and Raven Rock Ramble today. Also printed out the registration for the Burnsville Metric.
Well, after looking at the projected forecast, it appears that I will not be riding on Friday (intervals) as it's supposed to be raining. I haven't heard anything about group riding yet for Saturday, so I may just do the intervals Saturday morning and get in about another hour's worth of riding and call it good. I guess I won't ride with the "hammers" Saturday either as BWNC says it's just not part of my plan right now and I know he's right. But, dammit I want to. Hold on girl!!! Look at the big picture and what you want to do this year. Remember Assault on Marion is the priority here!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Mid-day Ride
I left work around 10:30am and arrived at Jay's house around 11:15am. The wind was blowing steadily at about 12mph, but the sun was out and the temps around 75F! We head out down Hwy 50 towards Benson and usually I have trouble holding his wheel on the climb up 50. Not today. Not on any grade we hit today. Yay!
Anyways, we go down Old Fairground to some other road to the right that is nothing but climbing until Johnson CoLine road. Cross this heading into Harnett county. This road we are on is terrible...bumpity, bumpity, bump. Finally end up at a little store that's just off of the normal route we take. We never new about it! It will be added to our Benson/Coates route as a 3rd stop. Sorely needed at times.
By this time, we're close to an hour into the ride and I'm finally starting to feel better. Didn't feel bad, but it takes me a while to get warme up. Jay did most of the pulling up till now. I did a lot after the store stop. With him riding behind me, I always feel the need to go as hard as I can for as long as I can. Not necessaryily the best way to train, but that's just the way it is with us. HTFU.
We had one more short stop just off of Hwy 1010 before heading back to his house. Great ride today! Our overall stats were 34mi/2hr ride time. I unfortunately, went home, took a shower and went back to work!
***off topic***
My son had exams today - Spanish & English. He thinks he passed both, especially Spanish, since he was not doing well in there lately.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Sunday Afternoon on the Clayton Bypass
I emailed my riding friend Jay, and asked him if he was interested in riding today? He said yea and suggested that we try out the Clayton Bypass. 2 lanes in each direction, unopened, no traffic. This route is simply all rolling terrain and didn't seem to have any flat sections. But, I did fine. It was really nice to ride with Jay again as we haven't ridden together in quite a while. Last year this time, we seemed to ride every weekend and even some during the week.
He's encouraging me to play hooky from work on's supposed to be around 74F! I most likely will and we'll probably do the Benson/Coates route, about 50-55mi. It is a rolling to hilly route and is the route on which I got hurt last year.....Anyways..
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Now, we're watching the Carolina Hurricanes play St. Louis Blues. They're losing at the moment. We have had half season tickets for 3 years now. Not sure what we'll do this year. I know we'll probably get them again, but I could use my longevity check to pay for part of the trip to Colorado in July.
May add more later this evening or tomorrow...........
Well, not much going on the next day (Sunday, Jan 6). Reading the newspaper in the AM, to BJ's for some chicken breast & thighs, stuffed pork chops. I had an afternoon ride and the SU was home playing on the xbox & reading. Kid home being lazy & studying for exams next week...
Metric Century Today
The route is really nice, not a lot of traffic with rolling terrain. I think the Ring of Fire ride really helped me, if not physically, mentally. The last time I did this ride, I was dropped on every hill, then struggled to get back with the group. This time, tho, I attacked just about every one of the hills, standing out of the saddle to climb them. I was amazed at how much easier they seemed to be.
Arriving at the rest stop, the 5 that I was riding with had an average of around 17.1mph. But, upon leaving, we had the wind in our face and it proved to be a strong one. All went well on the return trip and once back to Wendell, I said bye and headed back towards my car. This return trip was a bit harder due to being solo and the wind. My hamstrings also started to tighten up and feel really uncomfortable. I had eaten about 6 gels during the ride, but stopped at a store for a Baby Ruth bar & a Coke since I was feeling slightly worn out. I took a little longer route back because I really wanted to get the metric in and I still had to ride on past my car....I had 60mi at the car, so rode 1.5mi past and then returned. I'm pretty proud of myself....the longest I have ridden in quite some time.
Once home, a long, nice hot shower and a shave and I felt a lot better. Did my stretches for the legs...those felt great. Had a beer and discussed supper with the SU. We wound up going to Lowe's Food for steaks, tuna & a couple of beer. Supper was great!!
Now, I've been searching for flights to Denver, CO so that I can ride the TBP in July. Haven't found anything yet, well, I have, but have to discuss with SU before I purchase either 1 or 3 tickets. If I go, I'm planning on going out the 9th and returning the 15th or 16th. I really think I can do this ride. And, I'm really looking forward to the ride!!! I hope I get to do it.
Tomorrow will have to do a short easy ride:)
Friday, January 4, 2008
1st Week of the New Year
I didn't ride any after the New Year Day's ride because the temps did not get out of the 30's(F) for Wednesday and Thursday and included very strong winds. This made the windchill probably around high 20's to low 30's. No ride today either, tho one was planned. I stayed up too late last night and overslept this morning, so nothing was ready to ride. And, I am out of Chocolate Gu. I had to find some from somewhere, so I did this during lunch. Performance is still out of stock in the store:(. The Spin Cycle had an opened box with 10. I bought all of them! Will probably use 3/4 of them on tomorrow's ride.
So, I would write more about general life, but it seems pretty boring to me. And, you never know who will be reading the blog, so I wouldn't want to write something that might, ummm, be read by the wrong people and taken the wrong way.
I'd like to do some traveling, maybe this year or next year, to other parts of the US to meet and ride with other BF members. VegaVixen is talking of going to Cali when BWNC does so that we can have a Suth'un Invasion! That sounds good, but I'm not all that sure I can do it this year. I had thought about doing the Triple Bypass out in Colorado, but BWNC thinks I should wait till next year and get more mountain training "under my belt" so to speak. But, I think I could do the ride if I trained for it - the only thing is, you can't train for that elevation around here. We max out at 6500'+ and I think that ride starts at that elevation and goes past 10,000'.
Tonight, I'm going to attempt to make the pasta puttanesca that BWNC fixed me & Jason last week. I hope the family likes it. It has olives in it and the SU and son don't like them. Why is it that they (SU) are not very willing to try new foods??? Basalmic vinegar? Forget it. I say the hell with it. I'm gonna start fixing things that I like to eat and they can either eat it or fix something else. This should be good for carbs for my long ride tomorrow.
Looking to ride around 60-65miles. Gonna ride 8mi to the start of the ride, do the 51mi ride, then ride 8mi back to my car and drive home. We're starting a little later (10am) due to the chillier temps forecasted at 9am. I have to get to the point where I can ride for at least 75mi and produce 2400kJ of work in order to be able to do the Assault on Marion ride. Plus, this will help me ride my first century on February 23 at the Frostbite Tour. Anyways, I'm tired of typing now:)
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Starting Off 2008 With A Ride
Wind was a little difficult at times, pretty much in my face until we turned onto Martha's Chapel Rd. Then some tailwind, then cross winds, head winds, etc...It was a really good ride - all the "hills" I encountered were nothing compared to my Ring of Fire ride. Anytime I thought it was hard, I just remembered Cullowhee Mtn Rd, and those thoughts were gone.
So, unlike last year or the year before where I didn't do anything on New Year's Day, this year, I rode my bike!!!