Thursday, February 19, 2009

Adjusting the Plan

Had to adjust the plan because it was too intense for me right now. I also cannot do back to back days of hard intervals. Last year, Andy had me take at least 1 day, preferably 2 days between intervals. So, here's the adjusted plan for the next few weeks:
  1. Monday: off, no riding. 45min to an hour of walking.
  2. Tuesday: 1 set of 3x5min VO2max (5min rest), 15min easy recovery, 2x20min @ 95-100% FTP (10min rest). Do a 15min warmup/cool down. Try to keep cadence > 95. Might have to drop back to 15min on the second interval,but will have to wait and see next week.
  3. Wednesday: 90min of zone 3 tempo work. Cadence > 95.
  4. Thursday: Easy, zone 2 recovery ride. Small ring, high cadence > 100. Might also incorporate some high cadence drills, depending on how I am feeling (3x2min, cadence >120).
  5. Friday: 60min maximum duration ride, to include 1 set of 2x2min of VO2max (2min rest), 5min recovery, 1x10min @ 95% FTP, and 3x15s in saddle sprints (15s rest). Again, trying to keep the cadence > 95.
  6. Saturday: Either a race or a hard ride with the guys.
  7. Sunday: Race (most likely not), so another hard ride with the guys.
For the rides on Saturday/Sunday if I'm riding with the guys, I will try to go out front and take some 3min pulls, using these as good hard intervals. Or, I can just go off the back a few times and hammer to get back on.


McKinnie said...

quit training & start riding.

wolfpack said...

right. i can't just ride. there is no structure to just riding. i like structure.

nickel said...

I might try those 2x20min...

wolfpack said...

do try them nickel..i've yet to do those as well...